First lets look at my prediction of the 4 Horsemen... It would seem, yea, not all that interesting, however man, expensive, a Mastodon, a Rival Khaos, a Tristrike, you really have to shell some bucks....
Remember...remember when a Recon was $20, an AT was $20, an AS-10 Magstrike...$20 a AS-20....$20 a Raven...if I remember right... $20....
Wow...back in the day.. You could get every cool blaster, or at least worth having...for $20 except the Raider, Longshot and the 'Pede, but those had obvious value above $20... Obviously....
But now, every cool blaster is at least $40, and I don't like the trend of Bigger, face sized Mags, Turrets that are as big as Pizza's, Useless HAMP Gadgets that make you wonder why you paid so much...
I saw a Modulus rear stock pistol on a Rampage on FB, Holy Shit, It's huge! The guy said that it's comfy... but shit man.. no wonder so expensive, using so much ABS plastic....... Go small, My BoP Type L is less than a pound without a scope.
And I got to use the Mastodon, yea it works, much better than I thought it would work, but it's still heavier than one of those steel Tonka Toys I grew up with...especially the cement mixing truck.... Anyone remember that one....? You really really might be able to sink a body in the East River in New York with one of these.... well I know it will work in Rio at least....... If a sofa will work........BUUUURRRNNNNN!
And the rebelle line, In serious trouble, the jewel/charmed/overly My little pony era of Rebelle, could it have sunk it... maybe...
Ok so your Longshot, elite colors, good move... now give it elite ranges.... better...
Blahhhhhh..... what can save this year..... SEALED BREECH BLASTERS BECOMING PRACTICAL....
When it started, you either were good with brass, or you had an Xplorer Breech and even me, good with brass, didn't like brass breeches. I went Xplorer, I still don't regret it, wow! Nothing like having a trooper spec Xplorer with a few touches....
But now... JET X Making the X Zeus Shell, for $150 USD "WITH" a Nylon Boltsled, only been badgering OMW to do Nylon parts for years.... well Jet X did it.
Right now they just have the shell and the sled, but hey, they are making internals, they might actually make more, maybe an entire LS kit, I hope they do.....
But we have other sealed breech kits and darts... and IMO, they are so half massed...
Worker darts with head to foam gaps that you might be able to fit a quarter in....
Worker breeches, with plastic barrels, Remember... I brassed a OMW stage 3 because the plastic barrel attachment was crap, maybe these are better... maybe.... A lot of worker stuff looks solid, the stock, the barrel, but breech, i'll wait for V2.
Speaking of V2, the Artifact breech looks better, but you need all the way forward Stefan mags, pak-d/Xplorer/worker are center, so it means reinvestment on mags. And then what about full draw spacing? if your pusher is an inch from the dart when you draw your Longshot? How does the dart not slip out.
Still no dart finger, yes the breech on the Artifact/Worker breeches have tapers on the breeches and a bitchin seal. Xplorer Tried that with V3 breeches, but V5 clearly better with the dart finger, which maintains control of the dart in the mag holding the rest of the magazines darts down while loading the one on the pusher into your dart gate.... You have to use/own an Xplorer to understand, the parts and the action is so on mine that I do not have the jam door on mine. A trooper breech with a nylon pusher and a Hybred sled...Just looks that rad....
And it "could" get more inexpensive and easier for the public to get their hands on with the New Jet X company forming.
So the big news.... This is a thing now.....

That's right, Me, Drac, Justin Wilkes, Nerf Boy, Rob Poole of SBNC, PDK and some of the most well known Giants of Nerf, 8 of us in all, going to Singapore to review this....
This is unheard of, a guy with a little blog, a You tube chan of 330 subs and a Facebook chan with almost 1200 members.... Is Going to Singapore with 7 other Nerfers that can outview me on youtube.... in a day!
But I have knowledge of Xplorer, experience modding, Very popular and a wide Facebook reach..... Still can't believe it....
I'll Keep you all posted.... So Excited!!!!!