Friday, September 27, 2013

Update On The Pink Crush Mod, "Rebelle Yell - ZDS"

Flat Range - 135 peak, 110-120 average.

Arched Range @ 5 Degrees 140-150 average @ 30 degrees peak 194 feet

All measurements with Kobalt 300 foot tape measure. 5 MPH or so wind from the east shooting due south.

Average depends highly on the darts, the same darts that pull peak usually continue to do so until they wear. The Rebelle darts are exclellent for this blaster, as are the elites, but for some reason the ZombieStrike darts tend to misfire alot in long brass barrels.

See You In Disneyland.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Did The Little Womenfolk Get A Better Firestrike?

My friend made this work of art for my 38th birthday, which we then gleefully ate!

On my birthday, I had a tooth pulled, it was a root of a wisdom tooth they missed when I was 16, and I am doing, I got bored decided to make one of these and came upon a grim discovery....

It's actually better than a Firestrike!

Ok bad news first, It's still a snap ratchet plunger head that you need to epoxy to make it work and let it dry overnight. You'll also need to cut down 1 coil off an 8 Kg Swarmfire spring and a Black Tactical V1 Retaliator spring to pull it off (don't wuss and use a strongarm spring !). Not an easy feat considering that is hardened steel, and perferably facing the Plunger head because of the 3 dimensional plastic Spring catch that is not just on the top shell, but the grip too makes less space in the plunger tube for a spring.   

.....WAIT! what did I just say? let me repeat myself..... 

 "3 dimensional plastic spring catch that is not just on the top shell, but the grip too....."  Instead of a flat piece of plastic, the girls get a proper spring stop. Other things worth quotes and all caps......   

"The plunger tube is the same BUT IT CAN BE SCREWED IN LIKE AN EX-6 ELEMENT." 

"The top shell can be undone WITHOUT UNDOING ANYTHING ELSE!."  



"The Accessory rail can be removed IN ONE PIECE! keeping anything you end up having glued/mounted to it intact every time you take it apart.

Testing it out for a few days, so far I have H3 side window @ 100 feet in moderate wind and still accurate.  Ranges simular to Ultra Match Firestrike, but more accurate.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Tek Recon, Not Bad For An Upstart, But........

I was killing time at a Toys R Us before helping my best friends Dad make a Dialysis appointment and I spotted these AND AMMO, FINALLY!  A few gripes, mainly packaging, but not bad for a DAO shooting system. One hand fire without priming, no motor spinup and high capacity are the pluses.  Smaller Ammo, Harder to call hits and less range a minus, but overall the concept is bitching, time to make a snap holster for 2 of these!

This is what I think before i buy em, what will I say afterwards?  Stay tuned!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Centurion Autopsy.

I took apart the mean red blaster and found it rather odd.  It just doesn't look like Hasbro designed it, I'm sure they did but it is still weird in some ways, cool in others.

Like for example, the piston block, all glued together, but you can easily take out the AR by unscrewing 3 screws. The block itself, well it's all one solid piece, what are they trying to keep us from doing?  Kill a human?  Probably.  So here's the vids to start, long, unedited, to the grit info, there is no ego here.  And oh yes, you don't have to mess with the gear box to take it down as others have.  

Know this! That this blaster now is in working order, shoots around 70-80 drift but I perfer my Retaliators even if these Mega Darts are one hit kills rather than 3 at some wars.  Truth be told THEY ARE SLOW!!!!
Too easy to dodge.  As for feeding, yeah, folded the darts until i used Pledge on a dart, left it in the blaster overnight,!

But this takes the cake, this is what happens when people pick on me in forums, Partly my fault for running on facebook every time I got a great range without breaking out a tape measure every time. Also for assuming the Hammershot spring mod would hold it's range at 90 flat and not take a set.  But honestly they (meaning not all of them, some) would have kept bitchin about something.  The drama started with the R-Spec Retaliator, ended with the R-Spec Retaliator.   It's a crappy vid, 144p, but on my budget it's all I got.  Warning, I have a prissy attituude in this vid.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Surprise Of The Month, The Nerf Hammershot!

Wow am I gassed at this one,  The Hammershot.  Why exactly?  Because I got one to shoot 90 flat with Elites, at one point at least.  It is a Very easy blaster to mod and only needs 3 things to get there.

1. A Pre-Compression spacer for the spring.
2. A Spacer in front of the 5 Shot cylinder to push it against the Plunger Tube
3. To glue back the AR, but don't take it out or else you lose 10' flat.

So lets get down to it....

 First off, you need a buffer to push it against the plunger tube, a Retaliator sized O-Ring can work or putting in 1/4 inch of junked Elite dart which makes better compression for our next step...

Take a Pair of plyers, file off 1mm of the AR tooth, turn it iin 90 degrees and glue it back with superglue. after that..
 Get yourself .55 inches of 1/2 inch brass/cpvc, nylon and make a spacer, but be careful, that spring is hard to put back in.
Here it is at full compression!

Now here is the mystery, the more you do with this blaster, the worse it gets!  At this point with Zombie Strike Dart I had 90ish flat, however when I tried again i could only get it to 75 at most.  As soon as you teflon tape the Plunger head, take out the AR, you loose speed.  Also, my main one is backed off right now because this is very hard to prime, even for a big guy like me.  So right now I am pulling 60-70 with a 3/8ths Nylon spacer, and I am fine with that.

But one more surprise!

The holes in the accessory rail make my favorite scope a simple,drop in accessory, a 1x30mm B-style red dot sight, is that tacticool or what.!

 My favorite Nerf revolver EVER!

Until then's stronger than it looks!
