Sunday, April 7, 2013

You Can't Buy Heaven But....

With this thing, you can try to shoot foam at the angels in it!!!  You can now  buy an R-Spec Firestrike that makes your opponents and your little siblings run from you like you are Rich "The Bitch" Ramerez!!!  It will be a model that can be built as orders come in with currently a 2-3 week lead time as are also the Holy Triads, which are a huge hit as backup guns as seen in this video, their first ever battle used..

Just Imagine the welts you can land on your friends, as seed done to me even here.

Imagine the power of blasting your stupid holiday garnishes and having your friends question your sanity afterwards!!!

But before that, look at it shoot in a park flat, and then imagine how good it would be to own this gun with Stephans rather than Drag limited elite darts!!!  Oh I love this gun!!!! 

So happy fighting over it, AHEM I mean purchasing a nice, prototyped, field tested and belove (or feared of you are on the other end of it) R-Spec Retaliator.

I'll See You In Disneyland....



  1. Why must it be soooo expensive. :(


    I need it.
    -the dude in Sun Valley who bought the triad

  2. It's just a hard gun to build, not difficult, just time consuming. Because you have to rebond the plunger with epoxy, fit the dual springs after you glue the plunger head back. And when you put on the barrel, you have to crown it and also Test it to make sure it fires right, the barrel is good with the darts (as in not marking them up) and also that the plunger stays together. But you were my first ebay custome, also I used to live off of Victory and Vineland so hell, we were practically neighbors. Write me a email and I'll work something out for you, also on the strongarm too.

