Sunday, May 25, 2014

Cartaya's Minimized RapidStrike Duct Tape Holster And Vids On How To Make Them, Finally.

So, how do you make one of Cartaya's neato duct tape holsters, everyone seen em, you know.....on the batbelt?

Well Today I made a new addition, since lately I am mainly picking people off with long range pistols, I decided I needed a 1 handed firing backup weapon to use.  I hardly ever need one, I am usually covered by people like who made this Minimized RapidStrike, Kyle Pettigrew, but you never know.  So here is a pic.

It works so good too, the vids how to make em are long, sorry, but this is no rush job, labor intensive and detail oriented.  Here is part 1, enjoy.  I will post part 2 when the upload completes.

Here is part 2, Draw and firing test at the end.

See You In Disneyland.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

When Zeee' Germans Lose, Look What Happens!

Murphy Ranch, back in the late 30's the Murphy Ranch was built by the Silver Legion (silver shirts) to wait for the Nazi's to take over Los Angeles.  They poured 4 million bucks of post Depression dollars to build a compound 1 mile from what is now Will Rogers Park.  The secret camp, was found not so secret because the day after pearl harbor, the mad men building this compound were taken away.  Spy's were all over this from day 1 as it would seem.  What was left was used by Hartford university for a time, later that grant was revoked and the rest burned down in 1978.  So me, Basic Nerf, our mutual friend Fujio (who scored me a Hydro Cannon and a UMB, to be seen later) Decided to see if it would be appropriate for an HvZ game.  Here is the video hosted by Basic Nerf's channel.

We had some fun, went down and back up several hundred stairs and had a battle to be seen in Part 2.

So what do I think of this place...

#1.  If you can't hike, you ain't tough, distance will weed out all the non hackers, I played HvZ 3 hours and 22 minutes with a Dislocated ankle for fuck sakes.  Part of the challenge in my opinion and possibly a great element of endurance for an HvZ game.

#2.  We can volunteer to clean some of the junk the week before to sweeten the deal with the Park Service.

#3. We can bring camping toilets.

#4. The place has a SERIOUS potential for a great "The Hills Have Eyes" kind of story to use in HvZ gameplay.

#5.  Some places will have to be called out of bounds or "no zombie zones" so people don't run in dangerous areas, e.g. the stairs straight up the mountain.

#6. We can also make a deal with the camp up the road, in return maybe they can help with a better place to get down the mountain and or supplies like toilets and heavy stuff like tables.

Did I regret only taking single shots and a brassed Retaliator (which wasn't used in battle)?  You will just have to see part 2.  Generally I like the Venue, but it needs to be fleshed out with a practice HvZ game or 2.

And...I didn't bring any booze to the hike, despite having a flask of Jack Daniels in the trunk, damnit!

I'll See You In Disneyland.


Sunday, May 4, 2014

New Blaster Configuration, Is It Time?

So I have been to myself a lot lately, not much has there been to report till now, except the new trends in modded stock and homemade blasters.  The one annoying trend I see in modded stock, Flywheel Rapid Fire. Yesterday I was in Fullerton playing with the SCUN group, even there I saw a Stryfe a backup blaster nicely used in it's role. Same as I intend to use a Minimized RapidStrike.  However most of the blasters fire came from Airguns and blasters that use hoppers.  I quickly found that after the wind picked up, Elite darts just couldn't cut though the wind.  Yes the Elite blasters were excellent for cover fire, but the heavier #6 washer felt tip slugs and my Soft Poly MHA domes were what got the kills.

"MY" trend lately has been, as you know, use a mean single shot Firestrike as a primary and leave  the Retaliator as backup.  It has been working my last 3 or 4 meets.  Yesturday even without a hopper, I faired well (covered by 2 very good teammates with Hopper blasters of course).  My point is that it is the Fidelity of the shot, skill of the shooter and abilities of your blaster that is going to get you to clip someone after yelling...

"Say Hello To My Little Friend!"

Fire, and win the round, rather than that winning dart, dancing all over the air and losing the round.

Fishtailing has been an issue as blasters become more and more powerful, the darts get wilder and wilder.  I find on mine, domes have worked best.  Recently in depth threads in Nerf Modders Welcome on facebook basically lead to the idea that compression of the dart as it flies out of the barrel make the surface jagged and thus, fishtail.  The faster you shoot it, the more air pressure it took to get it there, makes sense.

So you have to ask yourself, Is it time for a new blaster loadout?   You know, one where you don't just give up and pack some Trustfire Batteries, a Rapidstrike, 12-18 round magazines and just throw away ammo saying the hell with it?

I say that is dumb, work on stability of your shooting platform, your aim, why do you "need" to throw away 200 rounds of ammo when Cartaya can bag just as many fools with 15 rounds and an Ultra Match.  You don't "Need" to have that much firepower.   However, the RS and Stryfes are great blasters and some people I know, "Want" to and are great at it.

My friend Kyle Pettigrew, my favorite player because he is serious and damn good at Military Navy Seal type tactics.  He makes a great teammate for a guy like me who likes to pick people off from +100.  So there is a place, if you're good like Kyle with a FA or a Stryfe, go for it.

My problem, everyone thinks that's their place lately.  I have seen rounds where over 2000 darts are fired most hitting nothing but air.  I mean even Kyle owns an Ultra Match and can appreciate it, once made an awesome singled Longshot, had one for awhile now.  Wouldn't you know it, Singled Longshots are just now starting to be trending in NIC forums again.

See You In Disneyland.
